Thursday, June 13, 2013

Actually Alana

Hey out there in the blogsphere!  Not that I think anyone will be reading this blog, but I have a good imagination.

I wanted to start blogging again because so many crazy, random thoughts go through my head day after day.  I considered posting them on Facebook, but sometimes (hell, most of the time) I don't want everyone I know to read that stuff. Some people use FB as a place for their word vomit, but that is not me. I try to keep it semi-private in the real world, you know?

A little about me - I am a Navy Wife!  My husband, Mister F, has been active duty for over 16 years!  We've been married over 11 of those :)  I'm a stay-at-home mom of 3 kids.  A1, is 5, A2 is 4 and A3 will be 2 next month. I am lucky to be able to stay home with them, but let me tell you there are some crazy shenanigans that go on around here.  Cuh-ra-zy.

I am a wannabe runner.  I started running after having my son a little bit, picked it up again after my second, got into it again after number 3.  I'm not fast. But I'm out there doing it.  My farthest distance is 5.5 miles back in 2010.  I recently did 6 miles of 3/1 intervals which was huge for me.  My goal is to complete a 10K sometime before my husband deploys.  A 1/2?  It's always possible :D

We recently moved back to California from Maryland and I am lonely as hell.  I kinda miss MD - I swear to you I never thought I would say those words.  I just miss my friends and haven't had an easy time making any here so far.

That said, I figured why not get it all out in this blog since I don't have many people to talk to right now.  At least I can get my obsessive, crazy thoughts on paper, right?


  1. See, that's me too. I have all these weird random thoughts that I sometimes feel the need to blog about lol. Somehow I always feel better after I've blogged :) If you ever want to read my randomness here is the link to my blog (BTW I'm not some crazy stalker, I'm Penny Pumpkin from the BHB)

    1. Thanks for reading! It's true though, isn't it? It'll be like a little journal, I just need to keep at it! I'm following you now :D

  2. you miss MD? wow...I never thought I would see those words.

  3. Ha ha, Jackie! I don't miss MD so much as I miss my friends and the slower pace I guess. You know how it is when you move, grass is always greener for a little bit!


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