Monday, July 22, 2013

Weekly Goals Link Up - 7/22

Happy Monday y'all!

It's happy for me because my hubby actually had today off, yahoo!!

But of course I didn't get to sleep in because I foolishly made a doctor's appointment for my daughter at 8am this morning.


Oh well, I had no idea he'd have the day off anyways!  He had to work Saturday and has been working 12 hour days most of the past week.

No fun for this mom.  Luckily I recently met this really cool fellow mom and Navy wife and we hung out most of last week!

On to my goals.  Yesterday was my youngest daughter's 2nd birthday (cue the awwwwws).  Of course I made cake and cupcakes.  Of course I ate cake and cupcakes.  Delish!

And pizza. I ate lots of pizza.  Sigh.  I've been feeling craptastic everytime I have pizza now.  Because, if you've read my previous posts, I have a pizza addiction. I can't just have one or two slices.

It's a sickness, people.

So I'm linking up again today to get back on track.  I'm going on vacay in 19 days and I'd like the good habits in place prior to that.

There will be pizza on that trip too.  The best pizza.

Operation Skinny Jeans

Goals for Week of 7/22 -

1.  Run 4x this week.  I managed to run after the birthday party yesterday (a 5K, yes I did), so 3 more to go.  I'll be heading out right after this post.

2.  Start some kind of strength routine. Whether it be some squats, lunges and planks in my living room, I need to start building that lean muscle.

3.  Eat out less this week. We were out and about so much last week that we made one too many stops at the drive-thru.  I've meal planned through the end of the month so I hope to stick to that.

What are your goals this week?  What have you had trouble with in July?


  1. Eating out less is ALWAYS a goal for me. It's so easy to fall into the trap of takeout. Awesome job on the meal-planning-- that's sure to keep you focused on cooking at home! Good luck this week!

  2. Thanks Carolyn! Lunches are the hardest for me, especially with the kids! I just need to be on top of things. And eat leftovers, lol. Good luck to you as well!

  3. I love your goal number two - I need the same thing. Eating out less makes things much easier health wise, but harder busy-Momma wise. Good luck on your goals this week!


    1. Kristin - Thanks so much for your comment! It's so true, especially now in the summer when we're outdoors and on the go so much. I've had 2 good days so far, I hope I can keep it up!

  4. Good luck on your goals- you can totally do it!! :-) I'm impressed you meal planned thru the entire month! How often do you do repeats? I think I need to come up with some new clean recipes..


    1. Hi Jen! Thanks for writing and for the motivation! I typically meal plan and grocery shop one week at a time. When I said through the end of the month I meant from yesterday to the 31st, so definitely not the whole month! I'm always changing my mind as to what I want to eat for dinner, so I don't even meal plan per day, I just pick 6-7 meals and decide the day of usually. I probably repeat some meals weekly, like grilled chicken drumsticks and grilled chicken salad. I did sit down last week and come up with a list of 30 meals we eat, so that has helped me pick things out.

  5. Oh wow, it's been a loooong week- and it was only Tuesday! Through the end of the month sure sounds impressive though ;-)


I would so love to hear from you!