Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Yoga Pants Rock My Pants Off

I love me some yoga pants.

I don't know why it took me up until last year to buy some.

Can you believe that?  How did I miss the exit sign to Yoga Town?  Imagine the comfort I could have been living in throughout all of my pregnancies!!

I hate when I'm late to the par-tay.  But I'm here now, with a glass of vino in my hand.

Not that I wear them to yoga. Oh no! I wear them while wrangling the trio.  Or running errands. Or doing anything but yoga.

So in looking for some more of my current brand of yoga pants, I have realized one important thing.

The yoga pants I am wearing are technically called Yoga Pajama Pants.  I got them at Target, and now I know the truth.

Are you freaking serious??

I've been wearing pajama pants all around the damn town.

And here I am, contemplating buying some more.

1 comment:

  1. Yoga Pajama Pants??? Hey whatever's comfy, wear it. We would not even know they're jammies... they look like regular yoga pants.


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