Monday, July 8, 2013

Weekly Goals Link Up!

I just found a great new blog (and blogger) so I'm linking up!

Operation Skinny Jeans

I need all the accountability I can get right now!

Since I'm just joining the party, I don't have any last week goals.  So here are my goals for this week.

- Clean up my weekend eating.  Seriously. I can't be the only one who eats great all week and then blows every inch of freaking progress in 2 days.  It's a sick cycle, people!  And it's been going on for my whole life. 

No time like the present, right? 

- Run 3 times this week. 

- Try to get back into my Jillian workouts (Body Revolution). I was doing so well, 5 weeks of it! Then - crickets. 

- Continue to limit refined sugars.

What are your goals this week?


  1. I feel like every blogger lately has been STRUGGLING with the weekend eating-- I'm seeing it everywhere. It's because summertime = parties = going out = drinking, and that = blowing off healthy eating. You're not alone, and good luck this week (and weekend!)

  2. Thanks Carolyn! It really becomes such a bad habit - and I know I can't workout enough to counteract the crappy food. It's definitely preventing me from reaching my goals. Thanks for the support!

  3. The weekends are super hard because they are generally so social. It is hard to keep to your healthy eating when no one else is around you.

    Welcome to the link up!!

  4. SO true Sonya! For some reason, whenever I go to my mom's I just want to eat the whole day! It's no good!


I would so love to hear from you!