Wednesday, July 10, 2013

You Know You're a Mom When...

Laurie Berkner is on heavy rotation in your swagger wagon.

It's true, folks.  I love me some Laurie Berkner! 

The problem is when I end up playing the music "accidentally" when my kids are not even in the car with me. 

That's when you know you're a mom for real.


  1. Not even sure who this person is! Guess I need to look her up! :)

  2. I guess you know you're not a mom when you have no clue who that is :)

  3. Hahaha!! You seriously would only know if you had kids. I got the Greatest Hits and my kids are loving it. Now I'm singing "Moon Moon Moon" all day, lol!

  4. Haha! You have me pegged, not a Mom yet, so I'm out of the Mom loop!


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