I'm flummoxed. Flabbergasted. I can't believe it came so quick. Because I was definitely not prepared!
The second-half of 2013 was a busy one. My fitness took a big backseat to everything else (including kids, moving, work etc). That was not my plan, but I'm not going to focus on things that I should've done last year.

I do that rearview mirror crap with so many things in my life, but I'm not going to do that here. Not with my health and fitness.
Coulda, woulda, shoulda.
That's a damn good Sex and the City episode too, if you haven't seen it. Love that show.
I digress. I've been pondering some goals over the last few weeks. I want to get some solid goals with solid dates written so I can share them on the blog for accountability (aka, I'll forget what I said).
So, I will list a few things I want to accomplish this year. Tomorrow I will get some hard core plans together.
- Join a gym. Really don't want to because it's so expensive out here in Cali. It annoys me.
- Lift weights. Besides hauling my kids all around the damn town. Heavy weights. A la Brittany Eats Clean and FIT by Jordan. I heart them. I will be following a Jamie Eason plan.
- Eat cleaner. Less sugar. Less artificial sugar. Less carbs. More protein. Probably need to break up with white bread.
-Run more. Well anything is more than I have been! I got a Garmin GPS watch for Christmas, and I'm so excited to use it!
I'm sure there are more. Until then, ta ta!
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